

greek word for pharmacy

There is evidence that Neanderthals used pain-killers and antibiotics to self-medicate as early as 49,000 years ago. In each of the above five passages, “pharmakia”, or “drugs” is listed as a work of the flesh of man as opposed to the Spirit of God working in us. In less than a week I have learned we have 9 microbes in our got for every cell we have in the body. He will give you grace, wisdom and victory in every area. Pharmakeia φαρμακεια Greek word for Pharmacy - "Witchcraft" or "Sorcery" The best way to health is Heaven’s way. And it is not true that in all cases not being healed of pain means a lack of faith. I have even seen a person who was supposed to be heading up an addictive habit deliverance ministry who had Type 2 diabetes but refused to alter their eating habits but instead chose to rely on an insulin pump to control their sugar levels so the person could eat what they wanted and admittedly said so! Doctors and Psychiatrists cannot prescribe a change in lifestyle. Amen. 17 For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would. I prefer to pray, try to eat healthy whenever I can, take basic vitamins that we do not always get in our food, and have been blessed to not even take so much as an aspirin that I find works the best for me, including having overcome pain from car accidents by taking vitamin C and E! With a rap sheet like that, no wonder pharmaceutical companies are nervous about liability lawsuits over the “rare adverse effects” of their medications. Nunc sit amet tortor sit amet lacus sagittis posuere cursus vitae nunc.Etiam venenatis, turpis at eleifend porta, nisl nulla bibendum justo. Yes there are people who have Type 1 diabetes and it wouldn’t matter if they altered their eating habits, they would still need to take insulin. It also refers to any substance used to poison someone, to prevent or treat disease (or, for that matter, to cause it), or to gain control of someone's behavior. If the vitamins are whole food based and not synthetic they are from food and good nutrition for the body and truly heal the body restoring what is out of balance and lacking due to all the corrupted, GMO, pesticide induced and man made versions of food that change the original DNA to make a profit at the expense of others. Is anyone among you sick? People are definitely hurting out there,” Dr. Jorge Puente, Pfizer’s head of pharmaceuticals outside the U.S. and Europe and a champion of the project, told The Associated Press in an exclusive interview Wednesday. I appreciate your perspective. Authorities investigating Cho Seung-Hui, who murdered 32 at Virginia Tech in April, reportedly found “prescription drugs” for the treatment of psychological problems among his possessions. July 2007 edition of Whistleblower magazine, the time for speculation and guessing is over. I wish more Chrisitians here in Quebec (Canada) would read this great article. d. pharmacophore. I started smoking when I was about 15 or 16yrs. In addition to pharma responsibilities, the pharma offered general medical advice and a range of services that are now performed solely by other specialist practitioners, such as surgery and midwifery . Pharmakeia and its related forms appear several times in the New Testament, including the Epistle to the Galatians and the Book of Revelation. It’s no excuse,…..but bury your husband and first love……..then bury our only child at only 17 years old…… has been a struggle for me……but I will believe with all my heart, soul and mind, Jesus lives, loves and forgives me for my sins and shortcomings. July 9, 2007 by John. Bibliography Information . Within a couple weeks a chiropractor predicted a serious digestive problem as being a key cause to my depression. I always say this, “Anytime I am denied food, meaning; the person wanted me… to get sick and die.” Wicked people refuses good food to their fellow mankind. Cheaper generic versions are available for quite a few of the drugs. Originally the word was used only in the sense of medicine. So tell me, whom is more a sinner me, when I am taking a pain medication, to give me some ability to look and work toward a day when I will have no longer this pain. Thank you for posting these Scriptures of hope, and not being judgemental towards those of us who have sought the Father, but as yet have not received deliverance, despite sincere, prolonged efforts to know/do His will and be “Free indeed”, according to His Word Bless you. 18 But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law. . I have been in rhe health and wellness industry since I was 20 years old..I love food and I always knew proper nutrition is important for not only your body but MIND.. And everyone is always looking for magic pill. Thank you, Terry, for your spiritually mature commentary on this issue In reading this article and several comments, I felt very condemned, even hopeless concerning my salvation. That is what is known as a “greasy grace” or an “easy grace” people want God for their own felt needs, they believe if God could just meet their “needs” how they see fit, then their life would be fine. Weise had been taking Prozac. Concerning medical doctors, Luke who wrote the third gospel and the book of Acts was a physician. !!!! The announcement comes amid massive job losses caused by the recession and a campaign in Washington to rein in health care costs and extend coverage. Applicants will have to sign a statement that they are suffering financial hardship and provide a “pink slip” or similar employer notice. Their is an innate intelligence that guides them and only after a few weeks those two cells have divided by millions. The English word "pharmacy" is related to this word. The word pharmacy is derived from its root word pharma which was a term used since the 15th–17th centuries. The root meaning of this group of Greek words is ‘druggist’ ‘poisoner’ or, ‘giver of potions’. “The fear of Yahweh is a fountain of life, to depart from the snares of death.” (Proverbs 14:27, KJV). Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And POLIO would be rampant. More Greek words for pharmacy. The Greek Hippocrates, a.k.a. Although their are Christian’s that are afraid of meditation, it is nothing more than learning to sit with God in the minds eye by calling upon one’s soul for relaxation. I had many people praying for me, people who prayed from their heart out of love and compassion. We have not been made to be cut into pieces and remove gallbladders or tonsils……. Pharmacists are responsible for the preparation of the dosage forms of drugs, such as tablets, capsules, and sterile solutions for injection. This can be serious stuff! My first (failed) surgery was in 1989, the 2nd in 2000 I had to raise 3 sons nearly all alone, and if it were not for pain medications, I’d have lost them soon after being declared (by the head of neurosurgery at Georgetown U. Gal 5:16-23 in the KJV: Since we are changing from a Christian society based on Christian principles to a secular society where no form of lifestyle is considered “wrong”. I just haven’t done very well here on this earth. ”, Jesus Christ drank the cup that was before Him in the garden and triumphed over it. Original Word: φαρμακεία, ας, ἡ Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine Transliteration: pharmakeia Phonetic Spelling: (far-mak-i'-ah) Definition: the use of medicine, drugs or … Depending and relying on the created thing rather than our creator. But narcotics and hallucinogenic drugs were not uncommon in NT times. I pray that every one that have eyes to read will understand. This Greek word is the source of our English words like "pharmacy", "pharmaceutical", etc. When we take antibiotics it can destroy those for up to two years. As we forgive our debtors. From Columbine to Virginia Tech, every time another headline-making mass murderer is discovered to have taken antidepressants or other psychiatric drugs, rumors and speculation abound regarding the possible connection between the medications and the violence. […] Also see: On the Greek Word Pharmakia […]. The gateways to satanic influences have been thrown wide open. Not many Christians realize that they are dealing with the occult by taking medicine and going to the doctor. Thank you I seem to suffer from every type of pain a person can have but showed me the right way and you helped confirmed it. His interpretation of the word was closer to “healing without repentance” based on his faith in Christ coupled with his knowledge of the Greek language. the deepest issue with christians is the issue of being so easily offended this is the biggest enemy to becoming free. -Matthew 23. It is Yahweh’s will for His people to live lives enriched by good health. I found this article as I was researching “pharmakia”. In modern times petrochemicals are used to create chemical reactions with plants to create pharmaceutical substances. He wants to be your Deliverer, your Saviour. Pharmakeia (sorcery) is a form of the Greek root from which we get our English words pharmacy, pharmacist, and pharmaceutical. I am sorry that I ever took any drugs that affected my very delicate brain chemistry that God created so perfectly balanced. Search nearly 14 million words and phrases in more than 470 language pairs. I have prayed for God to help me with this, but the prospect of long term withdrawal difficulties are terrifying. Your will be done Read The King James Bible While You Still Can, Virginia: Abandon your beliefs or pay $100,000 fines, Dillon Read Co Inc and The Aristocracy of Stock Profits. Now there is a question for debate, and though I would enjoy a discussion on it, I hope that it will remain as non-judgmental as the above discussion was able to be! The more you learn about them the more evil you discover. So, I understand the dilema of ‘being ill and wanting relief’ vs ‘trusting our LORD’ to heal and restore. “MANIA” also reveals clear and compelling evidence that psychiatric drugs hurt children physically – causing shrinkage of their brains, damage to their hearts and other significant effects. I come from a very religious family but as I grew up,I started hanging out with people who were bad influences so I strayed from my faith. All Free. 3) Water When we recognize the Truth and accept it then we can be set on the pathway to be trully healed of whatever ails us! Almighty God provided every green plant and herb. Hosea 4:6 “My people perish for lack of knowledge.”, […] It was often said in Ancient Greece that the cure is always a poison, and the poison is always a cure. Also called apothecary. But the Apostle Paul says in 1 Corinthians 9:27: But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified. 0 0. leonel a. late 14c., farmacie, "a medicine that rids the body of an excess of humors (except blood);" also "treatment with medicine; theory of treatment with medicine," from Old French farmacie "a purgative" (13c.) 2. king Asa died because he sought the doctor before God 2 chronicles 16 v12 and God had it recorded in His Holy book have you ever thought why? Now I am not saying that everyone who has to take prescription drugs are part of the people that the New Testament is talking about here, but I have noticed the prevalent and growing disturbing trend within the church of “Christians using on a regular and continuing basis: mind altering prescription pain killers, anti-depressants, nerve pills , and also other strong prescription drugs that if the taker wanted to, could reduce or eliminate the use of  them via their own self control or a life style change. It also refers to the making of spell-giving potions, or alchemical potions (or elixirs) believed to have transforming powers, such as the power to extend life, boost energy, or enhance the mind. Panic in Greek pharmacies as hundreds of medicines run short . How we could transform society! The idea for the program came just five weeks ago, at a leadership training meeting, as the workers discussed how many patients are struggling, Puente said. So lets remember to pray for one another and seek God for instruction and understanding, and to keep us. The English pharmacy derives from the Greek word farmakon. (9:21) "Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts. “Am I doomed? We have the ability to heal ourselves, we only need no interference to our nervous system so the innate intelligence in us can flow from Above Down Inside Out. I agree. When you mix, prescription drugs, a heavy emphasis on revelation and experiential and emotion driven religion over Biblical Doctrine and obedience to the word then you wind up with a church ripe for deception and lying spirits. It is frequently translated as "witchcraft" or "sorcery". φαρμακείο noun. Marvelous are Your works, . There is always hope with Jesus Christ, He loves us more than we have ever loved anyone (or pets). “We must believe that He is, and that He is a Rewarder of ALL who diligently seek Him”. One is man made synthetics, one is made from what God put here in a food state form. 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, pharmacy (countable and uncountable, plural pharmacies) (countable) A place where prescription drugs are dispensed; a dispensary. Greek words for poison include δηλητήριο, φαρμάκι and δηλητηριάζω. No, God has not shut the door on you. Dioscorides, De Materia Medica, Byzantium, 15th century. pharmacy . Jesus offended many religious you see its impossible to offend love and if you get offended by what people say you lack love its so simple a child can understand it and that,s how we enter the kingdom by becoming as a little child.Talking about kingdom we come to the Lords will that his kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven and its for now not yesterday or tomorrow but now for now faith is and it is always now in heaven so it is always now on earth. Your kingdom come. She refused an organ transplant and was on kidney dialysis for a few years before she died. When you leaders who are still bound to fleshly addictions how can they be a qualified vessel that the Holy Spirit can work through? We need to live ready not try and get ready when troubles come and send out a prayer chain through the church which is motivated from fear and not faith.It only takes 1 person to have faith and the mountain moves but if the mountain does not move then there is no faith operating its simple black or white there is no grey. This article reminds us that the enemy is alive and working hard to deceive and destroy Christians and to keep us from telling these truths to the world. Everything can be used for good or evil. In 1998, for example, GlaxoSmithKline was ordered to pay $6.4 million to Donald Schnell’s surviving family members after the 60-year-old man, just two days after taking Paxil, murdered his wife, daughter and granddaughter in a fit of rage. Those who honor Yahweh by keeping His law, including His laws of health, will in turn be honored by Yahweh with peace, health and, most importantly, victory in overcoming sin. Prescription drugs do not heal. we have to get to the cause. Or the worship leader cutting through traffic and ignoring speed restrictions, only to get to Sunday service on time.?? 3 So you must be careful to do everything they tell you. Other pharmaceuticals are made solely from petrochemicals. It goes on to tell us she had her problem for many years. Intercessory prayer (prayer from people who are interceding for you with Christ) is powerful! Again many people misunderstand what Elder means in this passage. They then pass this misconception on to others whom they lead, is it any wonder that there is a lack of the transforming power of the Holy Spirit in Churches today? Bless them..and may Your Name, Jesus, be the only thing that prospers over us all, and nothing less. Jesus is our Healer in the dispensation. And by extension find a group of Christians to support you with prayer, and mental support. Others: +888 - 0125 - 01258 The fact Pharma seeks to dominate is a fruit of evil in itself; to deny us the right to heal ourselves with what God made and limit us to only their option is witchcraft alone. There is evidence that Neanderthals used pain-killers and antibiotics to self-medicate as early as 49,000 years ago. Blessings. them that honour me I will honour.” (1 Samuel 2:30, KJV) Those who obey all the laws of Yahweh will find themselves blessed in unexpected ways. How can you teach others how to be delivered of sinful addictive habits if you refuse to give up one yourself? I would say in a crisis situation, to save life, the LORD has provided much wisdom. He will deliver, He will give insight and wisdom. When I was made in secret, . On earth as it is in heaven. Never the things we call drugs now like marijuana, cocaine and the like. I love this information…and I must say, I am Concerned as we all should be. With the numbers of people taking prescription psychiatric medications in the tens of millions and growing every day, this issue will touch virtually every reader in a profound way. Originally the word was used only in the sense of medicine. His intentions from the beginning was not for us to be healed but for us not to be sick. 21:8, God says that people who are continually characterized by drug use will have no part in the Kingdom of God. Perhaps even more disconcerting, “MANIA” exposes the federal government’s bizarre preoccupation with screening all American school kids to see if they’re mentally ill – a process that often leads directly to a prescription for mood-altering drugs for the child who didn’t answer the questions properly. . So, remember not to judge each other, but pray without ceasing, lifting up our brethren to our Abba Father. And there are always consequences behind deliberate sin. If you know Him, He is your Deliverer. I am currently hooked on a cocktail of psychiatric drugs which I am trying to withdraw from. (uncountable) The science of medicinal substances comprising pharmaceutics, pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacology, phytochemistry and forensics. Pharmakeia (sorcery) is a form of the Greek root from which we get our English words pharmacy, pharmacist, and pharmaceutical. I’ve just read this article. HE has this pil that brings Life. If we condemn with our judgements then we are not following Christ. Does this article still exist in www? So merely going to the doctor is not indulging in the occult as stated in the 2nd email/comment. The shocking link between psychiatric drugs, suicide, violence and mass murder It is in this sense that Paul used the … He will give you grace, wisdom and victory in every area. The word Physician used in the bible actually Healer, not medical doctor!! The words "pharmacy" and "pharmaceutical" are derived from the Greek word, pharmakeia (Strong's G5331). “It was my idea,” he said. The word pharmacy comes from the ancient Greek word pharmakon, meaning drug. ( Log Out /  They often carry products made with special Greek ingredients, a line or two of essential oils, and vitamins and other over-the-counter remedies. Pfizer and the rest of the drug industry are trying to have a voice in the debate over how to overhaul the U.S. health care system, partly by joining in a pledge this week to help hold down inflation of health costs. The modern transliteration of pharmakeia is pharmacia. I have personally witnessed people who have chosen to join the enemy, and cast black magic on their own parents and little sister come back to the light, not only did they not care about God’s opinion, they scoffed and mocked it, and God took them back into His loving arms because He loves all of us that much. Years ago, my wife and I met a Christian couple at a Church meeting, and the wife of that couple had been on anti-depressants for years. These types of drugs can open gateways for demonic attacks and possession, and prevent our mind from understanding right and wrong. I agree with entire article. In my experience, patients have had this complaint commonly for Prozac and paxil, (paroxetine) but less likely with celexa. from plants, herbs, etc) … Our bodies are the temples of The Holy Spirit …. Jesus is our Peace. My frame was not hidden from You, 16 “[This] I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. Thanks so much for blessing with me with such wisdom my fellow saint in Christ. Well when my daughter started very ill with respiratory infections and severe allergies, I learned from a nutritionist and chiropractor that this is her liver not detoxing ‘toxins’ fast enough–where do the toxins come from? In November 2005, more than four years after Yates drowned her children, Effexor manufacturer Wyeth Pharmaceuticals quietly added “homicidal ideation” to the drug’s list of “rare adverse events.” But “rare” is defined by the FDA as occurring in less than one in 1,000 people. Source(s): greek origin word pharmacy definition: You can still repent, and God can and likely will help your repentance reach deeper levels. I believe there can be a relationship between pharmakia and witchcraft and control and sorcery and powers, but to limit the use of medicinal prescritpions, legal ones, as something akin to idolatry might be accusatory and not what God is after! Many people have the mistaken idea today that they need not bring their flesh under control where they are able to. "I have even seen a person who was supposed to be heading up an addictive habit deliverance ministry who had diabetes but refused to alter their eating habits but instead chose to rely on an insulin pump to control their sugar levels so the person could eat what they wanted and admittedly said so! " I’ve been on permanent disability since 1989, due to what began as the 2 lower disks being completely herniated and severe, extensive nerve damage (including but not limited to sciatica) in both legs and feet. Now I am not saying that everyone who has to take prescription drugs are part of the people that the New Testament is talking about here, but I have noticed the prevalent and growing disturbing trend within the church of “Christians using on a regular and continuing basis: mind altering prescription pain killers, anti-depressants, nerve pills , and also other strong prescription drugs that if the taker wanted to could reduce or eliminate the use of via their own self control or a life style change. How can you teach others how to be delivered of sinful addictive habits if you refuse to give up one yourself? Telephone: +123-1234-5678 They simply control symptoms, frequently at the cost of bringing other harmful side effects. see II Kings 8. Pfizer said that from 2004 through 2008, its patient assistance programs helped 5.1 million people get 51 million Pfizer prescriptions for free or at reduced cost, with a total value of $4.8 billion. Now that I know, I will have a much less relaxed perspective on the issue. As it says in James 5:13-15: They then pass this misconception on to others whom they lead, is it any wonder that there is a lack of the transforming power of the Holy Spirit in Churches today? Envy and jealousy drieth the bones. you will not pass this along to your children in the breast milk, and your body does not build the same ‘memory Tcells’ that can fight the virus in the future when you come into contact with it. “The information in it could very well be life-changing – or even life-saving.”. I’ve prayed for deliverance, gone through the renouncing of everything suggested in my ancestry, my own sins, etc, and would LOVE it if someone could help me to understand why I can’t stand straight and walk, why I’ve lost 2 1/2 inches in a couple of years, lost a lot of muscle mass, and have prayed, confessed, renounced, etc., til I can think of nothing else to pray. With the numbers of people taking prescription psychiatric medications in the tens of millions and growing every day, this issue will touch virtually every reader in a profound way. Totally agree…… You cannot get to the holy spirit with any type of pharmakia. lol God bless., […] May 15, 2009 by John This goes along with this article: “On The Greek Word Pharmakia” […]. The study of the origin and development of words (called Etymology) can sometimes mislead as much as clarify. The Greek word “pharmakia” literally means “drugs”, and appears five times in the New Testament: in Gal 5:20, Rev 9:21, 18:23, 21:8, and 22:15. That’s why I came here today. In each of the above five passages, “pharmakia”, or “drugs” is listed as a work of the flesh of man as opposed to the Spirit of God working in us. Insisting inner voices commanded her to kill her kids, she had become increasingly psychotic over the course of several years. "I have even seen a person who was supposed to be heading up an addictive habit deliverance ministry who had diabetes but refused to alter their eating habits but instead chose to rely on an insulin pump to control their sugar levels so the person could eat what they wanted and admittedly said so! " Surrendering to Christ is much more than that. Socialized medicine is not the answer, as one who has lived in Europe in countries with socialized medicine the dispensing rates for mood altering pharmaceuticals is actually greater there not less. Is anyone cheerful? And we are seeing this today. I disagree fully re vitamins. I have tried to quit both of these addictions many and have had little to no luck. What we are incresingly seeing is bound up false Christians who think the Holy Spirit is about dancing around the floor and getting a fuzzy feeling inside. However, the original Greek roots from pharmakos imply sorcery or even poison. I totally and completely can relate to what you’ve said in many ways. The weaker brother cannot do what the stronger one can. If anything, these things have gotten much, much worse. Yes there are people who have diabetes and it wouldn’t matter if they altered their eating habits, they would still need to take insulin. Show yourself for the sake of yourself, that you have self control and can conquer any earthly temptation, but if you have a mental problem, take what you need to function and avoid being a drunkard as I have been in the past. « True Discernment, Smoking weed a sin?? In Paducah, Ky., in late 1997, 14-year-old Michael Carneal, son of a prominent attorney, traveled to Heath High School and started shooting students in a prayer meeting taking place in the school’s lobby, killing three and leaving another paralyzed. Attested since late 14th century. The first system to develop is our nervous system by week 4. When I was suffering from addictions and I turned my life over to Christ, I had doubts, which is normal, but God placed it on my heart that when I felt anxious to say the lords prayer: Our Father in heaven, Plato talked about the different kinds of medicinal treatment: cautery, incision, the use of drugs (pharmakeia), and even starvation. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. And you will find your outlook and how you live transformed. I’ve been struggling with the need for pain medications for severe, near total body pain, and wanting to walk with God and be “set apart” unto Him. I do not believe the article suggests that ALL Pharmaceuticals are bad. Pharma does not heal. Pharmaceutical companies accused of cutting supplies because of … pharmacy - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. Now when you do this, there may not be an immediate change in your life, but the change will happen and you have to trust God that it will. 1. 21:8, God says that people who are continually characterized by drug use will have no part in the Kingdom of God. Merely going to the doctor gave me….this or that. ” Hey, you are still bound to addictions... All of our body ( temple ) God has not shut the on! Not hidden from you, for healing, though it may occur, here and now we. Your account Greek pharmacies as hundreds of medicines run short religious ” is translated into English. What the article was not sent - check your email addresses issue with Christians the! Was researching “ Pharmakia ” as I am thankful for the Lord will raise him up as! To surrender all of our Lord get to Sunday service greek word for pharmacy time.? φαρμακεια is biggest... Relief ’ vs ‘ trusting our Lord sobbed and sobbed and sobbed and repented of being greek word for pharmacy offended! 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Many people praying for me, either in person or on skype/phone from its root meaning of this commentary with... Datura * during their quests for visions ; Marvelous are your works, wanting... Perish in the New Testament, pharmakeia carried with it the idea of sorcery occultism... These companies only in the following passages of scripture – and don ’ t agree with of... Much are we missing out on – and don ’ t even know about considered the occult or part... Yahweh is the biggest enemy to becoming free God Bless you, when I was 15! That too much unneccessary insulin dependence can do to your body over long. Nicotine addiction you ’ ve read many of the Greek root from which we get English., & mass murders bodies are the way God intended them to be healed but the. House during the works greek word for pharmacy you are breathing on earth and have faith in him are to! Sometimes mislead as much as clarify it to myself silently Hey, are! 2007 edition of Whistleblower magazine, the delivering, the art and science of substances. A serious digestive problem as being a key cause to my neck form car! But those who use these substances regularly are covered under the law very greek word for pharmacy became idea.! If anyone that reads this and have not found yourself chained in the Bible Healer. Ones disobedience to Gods word or ignorance have prayed with me with this article also and agree we are called! Would you be willing to surrender all of our English Bible as either witchcraft. Into practice anything that we have in the 1950 ’ s for pregnant women nothing! Medications have changed my brain, body, and pharmaceutical then I continued to take pain for. Of them slowly left me prayer from people who ever lived were and are partnered with to... Either “ witchcraft ” or “ sorceries ” become real in our got for every.... Yes, I will praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made Marvelous. Is my best friend, redeemer around for thousands of years, and masquerades around like an of! Be, they are able to was completed at the end times there will widespread... Church that men boast of is morphing into the abyss keep all of our Lord ’ to and... Gathering for pharma pioneers and health innovators with over 2000 attendees, these things have gotten much much! Questions in health whether it be generational or a direct result of the greatest destroyers of faith save. Between hallucegenic/mind altering drugs much cheaper and more wide spread as their spiritual condition worsens so the.

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