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.size-chart-in-error{padding:15px} background: url("") 50% 50% no-repeat; (window.AmazonUIPageJS ? One of the biggest advantages of a foam cannon is time. (window.AmazonUIPageJS ? Q: This Channel contain videos in which i tested and reviewed Some pressure washer in details. AmazonUIPageJS : P).load.js('|31wro+BnakL.js_.js?AUIClients/AutomotiveMobileAssets&1W0Cx3kP#mobile.251163-T1'); #creturnsPolicyBottomSheetContent{padding:10px} AmazonUIPageJS : P).load.js('|01Z0tKggInL.js,31V3ybgYqAL.js,31Z0J1dVLFL.js,31MeZCfuSRL.js,314rhugXOeL.js,51LQOOiuEOL.js,01Gk5pNSG6L.js,51vB32DrpzL.js,01xJ7QRSiAL.js_.js?AUIClients/DetailPageMobileWebCriticalFeatureAsset&'); This MATCC Heavy Duty Foam Cannon is designed with a wide neck for added durability and has a heavy-duty brass nozzle that is adjustable up to 110 degrees for extra-wide foam coverage. Professional Customer Support respond your question in 24 hours. AmazonUIPageJS : P).when('atf').execute(function(){ }); One thing to note is that the spray nozzle isn't that adjustable. It works fine. Then filled the rest of the bottle with water. background: url("") center center no-repeat; @media all and (orientation:landscape){#btf-sub-nav-tab{display:none}}#btf-sub-nav-tab{z-index:101;height:52px;box-shadow:0 1px 6px 0 rgba(32,33,36,.28);background:#fff;display:table;table-layout:fixed;color:#111;width:100%}#btf-sub-nav-tab.persistent-header{position:fixed;top:0;left:0}#btf-sub-nav-tab #btfSubNavTopTab{background:#f5f7f5;width:52px}#btf-sub-nav-tab .sub-nav-tab{display:table-cell;text-align:center;vertical-align:middle;padding:4px 0}#btf-sub-nav-tab .sub-nav-tab .tab-content{display:inline-block;overflow:hidden}#btf-sub-nav-tab .sub-nav-tab .top-tab-content{line-height:0}#btf-sub-nav-tab{font-weight:700;border-bottom:4px solid #e55d16;padding-bottom:0}#btf-sub-nav-tab .tab-content{color:#e55d16} Perfect for Car, Motorcycle Washing, floors, Windows washing, Driveways, Roofs, Siding washing, and so on.Ideal for enthusiast or professional use. AmazonUIPageJS : P).load.js('|41fmMl99AkL.js,41Eg+b4-CEL.js,31uJNuRzDwL.js,412aP1Dr1sL.js,31qVAwVdWgL.js,31ReyEV0gnL.js,21KJ58XxAlL.js,21R70Q617KL.js,31oAl8dJC2L.js,31RgIqZIscL.js,21VrsMalOkL.js,41an5PE9auL.js,11FiYId0WGL.js,21TOBQCCRlL.js,31xXLrb75eL.js,31gQ5YpoP8L.js,311+NUiljjL.js,614fabqcx6L.js,21oUcDvi2cL.js,21ZbonpQxqL.js,21YblE14ZTL.js,11vP4mbHNqL.js,51519xhyLzL.js,31wKe4BkxuL.js,01wcltxKR5L.js,413RS2ilIUL.js,41lsoY3OhJL.js,51JV9yInPkL.js,61Dq62Z64FL.js,31I+7R+zMAL.js,01BDCOuZFIL.js,51Z8zsqUEhL.js,01hkseOXj6L.js,01KLVtMsu9L.js,01vAcPDzPEL.js,311A0yCIeJL.js,01iRN5bMQkL.js,51Y9MvTjTNL.js,01IC-gBKyYL.js,01XEEGOr+kL.js,31TXoxRB0FL.js,51BMZHY9MTL.js,01y8JNON9+L.js,1105b86tOPL.js,01QHXKhSxjL.js,11eR+ycDKDL.js,01smU8QIJrL.js,01-wyMMibUL.js,019MkidFEWL.js,01gsBemrwzL.js,11UPXOQ6SHL.js,410zL4i3umL.js,51ujOEVhsqL.js,1105Sp0F63L.js,31E0yPIOfyL.js,41+koKsvk3L.js,3181TZe9ypL.js,51l2ZrDdNAL.js,21E+aLTa5BL.js,41zgST0Q+YL.js,21tK6qnd4nL.js_.js?AUIClients/DetailPageMobileWebDefaultMetaAsset_asset_segregation&'); Lately the car wash places just suck at doing the job anymore. AmazonUIPageJS : P).load.js(''); Reviewed in the United States on July 28, 2018. AmazonUIPageJS : P).load.js('|013NxCyC-FL.js,31Mti3fDd2L.js,01jEqq6I0UL.js,21WlAxjmCTL.js,01iaKWOXJgL.js,013osfewhVL.js,11+szRbMBlL.js,41stVq6hJFL.js,01PvqANkw0L.js,213V42EOAKL.js,21Ah69ErssL.js,0193uyIciNL.js,41fW1gpnNZL.js,411cLu7Ho0L.js,41607nI4GtL.js,11H+quk5jAL.js,515SaB+xsRL.js,01lcH4zcTaL.js,21v7Os12mhL.js,01RQtSMdG+L.js,01MJ8v230SL.js,01qwoVEkKlL.js,01VlN3FZ-WL.js,31UaW8zx0bL.js,21VqbnU7dZL.js,61M0pe-TcFL.js,01ZpCLG-JpL.js,011kwg0OTQL.js,01qIaIxJsJL.js,01e0WdN4RiL.js,014kCoIHgIL.js,117-jA3U9UL.js,41ikgCDraIL.js,01UewT-0cSL.js_.js?AUIClients/DetailPageMobileWebNonSoftlinesMetaAsset&'); #shippingMessageInsideBuyBox_feature_div>.a-letter-space{display:none!important}#shippingMessageInsideBuyBox_feature_div>.a-section{display:inline!important} Again, maybe I just got a bad one. Do you want to own it too?🤩👏, MATCC Foam Cannon III for pressure washer heavy duty foam core crazy foam for cleaning. It produces a good amount of foam, and the nozzle head is adjustable in case you want a slightly different spray pattern. @-webkit-keyframes wiggle{from{-webkit-transform:translate3d(0rem,0,0);transform:translate3d(0rem,0,0)}to{-webkit-transform:translate3d(1.7rem,0,0);transform:translate3d(1.7rem,0,0)}50%{-webkit-transform:translate3d(3.4rem,0,0);transform:translate3d(3.4rem,0,0)}70%{-webkit-transform:translate3d(.85rem,0,0);transform:translate3d(.85rem,0,0)}90%{-webkit-transform:translate3d(2.55rem,0,0);transform:translate3d(2.55rem,0,0)}}@keyframes wiggle{from{-webkit-transform:translate3d(0rem,0,0);transform:translate3d(0rem,0,0)}to{-webkit-transform:translate3d(1.7rem,0,0);transform:translate3d(1.7rem,0,0)}50%{-webkit-transform:translate3d(3.4rem,0,0);transform:translate3d(3.4rem,0,0)}70%{-webkit-transform:translate3d(.85rem,0,0);transform:translate3d(.85rem,0,0)}90%{-webkit-transform:translate3d(2.55rem,0,0);transform:translate3d(2.55rem,0,0)}}.turbo-checkout-swipe-area{position:relative}.turbo-checkout-swipe-area-text{margin-left:5.7rem;background:#f7e1a9}.turbo-checkout-swipe-padding{padding:1.9rem 0!important}.turbo-checkout-swipe-handle{position:absolute;left:0;width:5.7rem;height:100%;background:url() center/35% no-repeat #f2c13c}.turbo-checkout-swipe-animate{-webkit-transition:all 150ms ease-out;transition:all 150ms ease-out}.turbo-checkout-status-contents{width:100vw}.turbo-checkout-status{width:100%;position:absolute;background:#ebf9ea}.turbo-checkout-status.turbo-checkout-in-progress{height:100%;max-width:5.7rem;overflow:hidden}.turbo-checkout-status.turbo-checkout-completed{display:none}.turbo-checkout-wiggle{-webkit-animation:wiggle .5s .4s 1 backwards;animation:wiggle .5s .4s 1 backwards}.turbo-checkout-status{color:#008500;box-shadow:0 0 0 1px #89cb84 inset}.turbo-checkout-status-contents{font-style:italic!important} Heavy with the lid on slightly different spray patterns, but they cut the down... 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