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The amused warden forced Hakoda to his knees until he looked him in the eye. Alors que Katara s'est d'abord opposée à la séparation de leur famille, Hakoda a promis qu'ils se reverraient et est allé avec Teo, Le Duc, Haru et Chit Sang au dirigeable capturé. Skin color Position Informations personnelles Tags. Hakoda took a step forward, ready to protect his son from the assault. Furieux que le chef n'accepte pas sa vision de la situation, Gilak a déclaré Hakoda traître et l'a attaqué, en entamant un bref duel qui s'est terminé lorsque Hakoda a blessé le bras armé de Gilak. Hakoda went to fight the Fire Nation before the beginning of the series, reappearing later to lead his son's invasion in Book Three. Although he initially opposed Malina and Maliq's plans for the urbanization of the South, Hakoda eventually came to agree with the Northerners and worked closely with the siblings to oversee their plans. [15] He returned to the South Pole shortly thereafter to help the rebuilding efforts in the Southern Water Tribe.[16]. Growing up as part of a minor tribe that lived in the remains of the Southern Water Tribe's ruined capital, Sokka was raised from a young age to be a warrior and possessed much knowledge of Water Tribe weapons and tactics. "Sokka it's great to see you. Chronological information Water Tribe weapons Sokka had planned to give a speech explaining the invasion plan, but was extremely nervous and froze up. Helpless to save her, he was relieved to see that Katara was just in time to catch Malina with her waterbending. These nationalist eventually organized under Gilak's leadership, although Hakoda continued to hope for rapprochement.[5][8]. Inside the ship, Hakoda cautioned his comrades to be careful, as many traps remained active. They planned to start a prison riot as a distraction for the guards, take the warden as a hostage, and commandeer the gondola. The remaining warriors were imprisoned.[13]. after hakoda left when sokka was 13, sokka made it his mission to take responsibility for the tribe, for katara, and for anyone he comes to care about over the course of the show. Plusieurs jours plus tard, le Temple de l'Air de l'Ouest a été attaqué par une flotte de dirigeables menée par Azula. Hakoda has become increasingly concerned for his son, recognizing that Sokka has feelings of lost honor regarding the loss during the invasion, combined with the troubles Sokka has faced on the Elegante. [17], Hakoda was a caring husband to Kya and a loving father to Sokka and Katara. Sokka thought bending was what got the world in trouble in the first place, so he believed only the skill and strength of ordinary men like himself could ultimately defeat the Fire Nation. En naviguant trois ans plus tard, Hakoda a vu Appa alors qu'il volait au-dessus de la flotte de la Tribu de l'Eau du Sud. Zuko s'est rappelé cet événement et s'est excusé pour ses méfaits. Sokka was born at the South Pole to Chief Hakoda and Kya in 84 AG. She confessed that she understood why he had to leave but also that she was still sad and hurt because of it as they had been so lost without their father after their mother's death. Hakoda and his officers found a message in the caverns under the shipwreck. According to his sister Katara, Sokka was initially skeptical, abrasive, sexist and immature and was always sharp-witted. Hakoda était aussi comique et connu pour créer des inventions comme son fils Sokka. prisonnier, qui "travaillait à contrôler sa colère". Sokka est un guerrier de la Tribu de l'Eau du Pôle Sud. As Gilak prepared to deliver the killing blow to Maliq, Hakoda seized his former comrade's hand. Il s'est précipité chez eux mais au moment où il est arrivé, le soldat était parti et sa femme avait été assassinée. Il a été montré en train de combattre plusieurs agresseurs maîtres du feu lorsque sa tribu a été attaquée par les Cuirassés du Sud. Gilak insisted that it was a ruse to deceive them, but Hakoda reminded him that Fire Lord Zuko, once their enemy, was now their fiercest ally, proving his belief that people were capable of change. «Toi et ton frère, vous êtes ce que j'ai de plus cher. Last appearance Hakoda was taunted by the extremist warrior on how the recent events had shown that he was a traitor and too weak to lead the Southern Water Tribe. Love interests Blue North and South Part Three (chronological & release order) What Hakoda would gain from Zutara Hakoda would gain a dependable son-in-law: Zuko: I am your loyal son. Hakoda reunited with his children, Katara and Sokka, after the end of the Hundred Year War during Prince Zuko's coronation. The Proposal by Baymax_13 Fandoms: Avatar: The Last Airbender Teen And Up Audiences; No Archive Warnings Apply; M/M; Complete Work; 11 Dec 2020. Style(s) de combat Hakoda was ready to fight Sokka until he removed his helmet and revealed his identity. When Aang and Katara voiced their doubts on the feasibility of his plan, asking him to exercise caution as not every outsider was to be trusted, Hakoda acknowledged that opening up their city to foreigners held a certain risk but it also held the promise of improvement, referring to moments before when Aang, an Air Nomad, was helping Katara, a Southerner, and Pakku, a Northerner, to convince Siku and Sura to reveal themselves as waterbenders so they could recover the nearly extinct Southern waterbending tradition. Un faucon messager entrer par la fenêtre avec un message pour le Chef Hakoda. Bato a dit: «Tu es définitivement le fils de ton père», en référence au sens de l'humour partagé par Hakoda et son fils. Il est retourné au Pôle Sud peu de temps après pour aider dans les efforts de reconstruction dans la tribu de l'eau du Sud. Voix However, Aang was still having a hard time holding onto Hakoda and Malina, so she decided to let go of Hakoda after proclaiming her love for him. Hakoda trébucha hors du rempart, gémissant, et tomba. Sokka a mentionné que Hakoda et Bato étaient impliqués dans "le Fiasco du Blanc de Baleine"; Bato était surpris que Sokka soit au courant. Sokka shifts in his seat across from him, his brows pinched slightly in evident annoyance. Hakoda a été raillé par le guerrier extrémiste sur la façon dont les récents événements avaient montré qu'il était un traître et trop faible pour diriger la Tribu de l'Eau du Sud. Prenant cela sans trop de problèmes, ils ont navigué vers l'Ouest à travers la porte de la marine de la Nation du Feu, récemment construite dans le Passage du Serpent. The name "Hakoda" is similar to the Malay word "nakhoda", which translates to "captain" when taken in the context of a commander of a ship. Universe tag: . Southern Water Tribe From Book 1: Water - episode 15: "Bato of the Water Tribe." [14], Hakoda was renowned in his tribe for his wisdom and leadership, traits that led him to earn the Mark of the Wise. When concerns were brought up regarding whether the extremists would uphold their end, Sokka proposed a countermeasure. Pendant que Katara et Sokka poursuivaient les assaillants, Hakoda escorta Malina jusqu'à la cabane de Kanna et soigna ses blessures. On the way, they encountered another Fire Nation ship, its officer confronting them as all ships were to head to Ba Sing Se. Past Avatars Avatar Roku Avatar Kyoshi Avatar Kuruk Avatar Yangchen. Sokka sunk into his seat. [11] During this time, Hakoda found his daughter strangely distant from him and resentful. Eye color Sokka a révélé que le compromis devait avoir lieu au Pont du non-retour, un endroit où le village avait l'habitude de traiter avec ses criminels. Wiki Avatar est une communauté de FANDOM appartenant à la catégorie Télévision. After getting the warriors riled up for battle, they proceeded to the Fire Nation Capital. Not convinced, Katara voiced that it could perhaps be done after both the tribe and Hakoda had recovered more, but Hakoda would not be cautioned into waiting, informing them that he had already invited the Earth King and the Fire Lord to a conference that would take place that evening to talk about international collaboration and that he wanted Aang and Katara to attend as well. Chief Hakoda was the father of Katara and Sokka, the husband of the late Kya, the son of Kanna, and the leader of the Southern Water Tribe. He came across Hakoda, who refused to look him in the eye. We’ll never make it out of here. Gilak a réussit à échapper à l'arrestation une fois de plus, et ses partisans ont utilisé la confusion pour kidnapper avec succès le Roi de la Terre. The warriors were being bombarded by the battlements, and Hakoda quickly learned that they needed to be destroyed. [4] Hakoda went off to take the fight to the Fire Nation two years before the end of the Hundred Year War, leaving his children to be raised by Kanna. Team Avatar soon arrived at the scene, and an enraged Katara encased Gilak in ice before attending to her father's wound while Aang subdued the warrior's remaining followers.[8]. Hakoda a été réuni avec son fils pour la première fois depuis son départ pour l'effort de guerre. A messenger hawk flew in through the window with a message for Chief Hakoda. His best friend Bato had seen him just months before and told him they were traveling with the Avatar. Hakoda et Sokka ont mené la tribu de l'eau dans un raid sur un navire de la marine du feu après avoir coulé leurs propres navires. Elle a avoué qu'elle comprenait pourquoi il devait partir mais aussi qu'elle était toujours triste et blessée à cause de cela, car ils avaient été perdus sans leur père après la mort de leur mère. Quand Sokka avait neuf ans et Katara huit, Hakoda a rallié les guerriers de son village pour repousser une attaque des Cuirassés du Sud, qui avaient été chargés par le Seigneur du Feu Azulon de tuer le dernier maître de l'eau de la Tribu de l'Eau du Sud. He fought off many Fire Nation soldiers while in the capital city. Affiliation Following the war, Hakoda was elected to serve as Head Chieftain of the entire Southern Water Tribe and worked closely with the Northern Water Tribe to oversee the Southern Reconstruction Project, placing his leadership in question to the Southerners who opposed foreign intervention. Sokka came up with a plan to destroy them. Hakoda arriva aux Falaises Noires le Jour du Soleil Noir, comme ils l'avaient prévu. Reconnaissant la réticence de Katara à accepter les nombreux changements apportés à la tribu, Hakoda a insisté sur le fait que les efforts de modernisation feraient effectivement apparaître le Sud comme des "partenaires égaux" pour les autres nations. Le groupe a été rejoint sous peu par Zuko. Pendant la bataille, il a été alerté par Katara qu'un soldat de la Nation du Feu avait envahi leur maison et menaçait Kya. [6], Imprisonment and end of the Hundred Year War. Hakoda et les autres prisonniers ont ensuite été emmenés dans leurs cellules. Le nom "Hakoda" est similaire au mot malais "nakhoda", qui se traduit par "capitaine" lorsqu'il est pris dans le contexte d'un commandant de navire. The two hugged, and Sokka explained that he had come to break his father out of prison. Après avoir reçu le mot de son emplacement de Ba Sing Se, Sokka s'est réuni avec Hakoda. They were joined by Chit Sang, who had refused to rat out Sokka to the warden, though at the cost of being allowed to be part of their new escape attempt. To make matters even funnier, this guy was able to get together with a female and produce two kids. Hakoda était prêt à combattre Sokka jusqu'à ce qu'il retire son casque et révèle son identité. Detached from Katara's and Aang's pursuit of the bending arts, he openly expressed his "bender envy." Plus tard dans la soirée, Hakoda a rejoint ses enfants, Malina et Maliq pour dîner au restant Les Deux Poissons - Cuisine du Pôle Nord, où deux assaillants ont pris la mallette de Maliq avant de frapper Malina et de quitter les lieux. Au début, les membres de la force d'invasion ont été emmenés à la tour de la prison près de la capitale de la Nation du Feu. [5] Although he faced a violent nationalist uprising led by his former friend Gilak, Hakoda prevailed and oversaw the South's gradual reconstruction and modernization. Sa réunion avec Sokka fut interrompue quand Aang arriva pour obtenir l'aide de Sokka pour sauver Katara des griffes d'Azula ; Hakoda a lancé un sourire confiant à son fils alors qu'il procédait à l'attaque contre les navires de la Marine du Feu. Vérifiant que l'Équipe de l'Avatar n'était pas blessée malgré le blocage de leur chi, Hakoda a commencé à traverser le pont et Gilak a envoyé le Roi de la Terre. The belligerent soldier accused the chieftain of selling out his people to foreigners before striking at Zuko. I also have an AU where Sokka is the avatar, and that’s what I’m going with here. That evening, Aang had snuck off the ship to face the Fire Lord alone, and Katara rushed to Hakoda, angrily venting about the stupidity of Aang's decision to think that everything was his decision and not thinking twice about the people he left behind. The chieftain soon noticed that his daughter was worried about something else, however, and asked her to speak up. Hakoda est intervenu pour son fils et s'est avéré être un très bon orateur inspirant. Bato et Hakoda se sont eux-même déguisés en soldats de la Nation du Feu. Later that night, Gilak and his followers managed to circumvent the defenses by using a large metal drill, throwing the festival into chaos. Chief Hakoda is the supporting character in Avatar: The Last Airbender. Battered by their battle with the Fire Nation ships, the Water Tribe was in no condition to fight off the reinforcements. Il a révélé à Gilak qu'il était bien au courant du plan original des habitants du Nord, mais Malina avait changé d'avis une fois qu'elle a connu sa tribu sœur. Hakoda explained his love for Malina to Katara. Nationality Pendant ce temps, Hakoda trouva sa fille étrangement lointaine et pleine de ressentiment. Informations chronologiques Weapon of choice He soon deduced that she was also talking about him for leaving her and Sokka years prior. … When he warmly greeted the revived Avatar, Katara bluntly asked him to leave. Les guerriers restants eux ont été emprisonnés. They plan to start a prison riot as a distraction for the guards, take the Warden as a hostage, and commandeer the Gondola. Battu par leur bataille contre les navires de la Nation du Feu, la Tribu de l'Eau n'était pas en état de combattre les renforts. Hakoda était emprisonné au Rocher Bouillant. They took Azula's airship and made their way back to the Western Air Temple. After landing on the beach, Hakoda led the charge to the palace. Sokka told him they needed a prison riot as a distraction, and Chit Sang started one easily. To his horror, Malina let go of Hakoda's hand to save him. Katara used waterbending to heal his wounds, but he still was not completely cured. He fought to save the ones he loved and avenge Kya's death. You know Toph did all she could. According to Bato, he and Hakoda once tricked Kanna into thinking Hakoda was a water spirit by putting a squid on his head, with Bato doing the "spooky" voice. [6] His small force roamed the seas and attacked vulnerable Fire Nation units, and Hakoda almost lost his life during a clash on Whaletail Island. Taking it without too much trouble, they proceeded to sail west through the Fire Nation Navy gate, recently constructed in the Serpent's Pass. At first, the members of the invasion force were taken to the prison tower close to the Fire Nation Capital. L'Équipe de l'Avatar est bientôt arrivée sur les lieux, et une Katara enragée a enfermé Gilak dans la glace avant de soigner la blessure de son père tandis qu'Aang a maîtrisé les partisans restants du guerrier. Suki a pris le directeur en otage, et Hakoda et les autres sont allés à la gondole pour s'échapper. He led a strong and brave battle against the Fire Nation on the Day of Black Sun, persistent with the siege efforts despite his injuries from attacking a battlement. Obligé de mûrir rapidement depuis que sa mère a été tuée dans un raid de la Nation du Feu, il a cultivé ses compétences de guerrier avec une ferveur combative, pendant que sa sœur Katara s'occupait des corvées et pratiquait la maîtrise de l'eau. Sokka merely chucked as his chipped sword collided between the opposing blades. Works; Bookmarks; Filters; RSS Feed; Listing Works. Il a mené une bataille forte et courageuse contre la Nation du Feu le Jour du Soleil Noir, persistant avec les efforts de siège malgré ses blessures reçues après qu'il ait attaqué un rempart. Gender Instead of a flighty one. Hakoda was reunited with his son for the first time since leaving to aid the war effort. Sokka is Hakoda's eldest child and like him, lacks any bending power. Dans le processus, Hakoda a créé une rupture entre lui et certains des guerriers avec lesquels il a combattu pendant la guerre, car ils s'opposaient à l'intervention du Nord dans les affaires du Sud. "But everyone's so excited about her," Sokka said. [12] Hakoda's intelligence was shown once more while he was imprisoned at the Boiling Rock, where he devised a successful escape plan with the help of Sokka. Comme sa mère Kanna, son fils Sokka et son petit-fils Bumi avant la. Katara continued to question his judgment until Hakoda pointed out that love does not make one blind, it helps one to see the things as they truly are. As they reached the middle, Gilak intended to cut the bridge's suspension cords, which was the cue to spring their plan into action: Malina, followed closely by The Dark One, Penga, and Ho Tun, took down Gilak and his soldiers, while Team Avatar, revealing they were wearing chain mail armor which had prevented them from being chi blocked, incapacitated Thod and his disciples. Hakoda was lined up with the other prisoners to meet with the warden. Hakoda cleared his throat and began: "I'd like to begin by thanking all the chefs, from far and wide, who closed up shop and sailed down here to serve us all tonight," he patted his stomach and chuckled. Allies Katara: Aαng, stop it. Alors que Gilak s'apprêtait à porter le coup fatal à Maliq, Hakoda a saisi la main de son ancien camarade. Après la guerre, Hakoda fut élu chef de la Tribu de l'Eau du Sud et travailla en étroite collaboration avec les habitants du Nord pour superviser le projet de reconstruction du Sud, plaçant son leadership en question auprès des Sudistes qui s'opposaient à l'intervention étrangère. First appearance Hakoda était un guerrier très talentueux, peut-être le meilleur de sa tribu. Zuko’s mouth twitches in something like amusement. Sokka et Katara ont réussi à détruire leur cible seulement pour voir une explosion dans l'autre. Hakoda was the father of Sokka and Katara, the husband of the late Kya, the son of Kanna, and the chieftain of a minor tribe at the South Pole that was part of the Southern Water Tribe's tribal confederation. [1], Hakoda arrived at the Black Cliffs on the Day of Black Sun, just as they had planned. Lors de la réunion avec ses deux enfants, il a proclamé qu'il était "le père le plus fier du monde" et que leur mère aussi aurait été fière d'eux. Hakoda a reconnu les capacités de Katara en matière de maîtrise de l'eau quand elle était jeune et l'a encouragée à les développer, sachant que ses compétences seraient essentielles pour reconstruire la Tribu de l'Eau du Sud ; il a même voyagé à travers tout le Pôle Sud, à la recherche d'un maître de l'eau pour entraîner sa fille, mais n'a pu en trouver aucun. Impuissant à la sauver, il était soulagé de voir que Katara était arrivée juste à temps pour attraper Malina avec sa maîtrise de l'eau. Attributed to Hakoda 's combat uniform was the same as the satisfied warden tried to walk,! Kanna et soigna ses blessures, mais sauvé quelques instants plus tard, les deux se sont engagés un. Sokka Toph Zuko Appa Momo told him they were from the Eastern Fleet leader of warrior... Inspirational speaker Katara and Sokka explained that he had come to break his out! Explained that he could not protect them ses blessures, mais était extrêmement nerveux et gelé engaged in raid. 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