

romans 12:11 commentary

It is difficult at times to keep our spiritual fervor at a high level. The Syriac version renders it, "serve our Lord". "The day is short, and the work great, , "and workmen slothful", and the reward much, and the master of the house is urgent.''. (4) he has required that all such employments should be conducted with reference to his will and to his honor, 1 Corinthians 10:31; Ephesians 6:5; Colossians 3:17, Colossians 3:22-24; 1 Peter 4:11. (3) the right discharge of our duties in the various employments of life is to be regarded as serving God. God commanded us to do this, and He makes it possible for us to do it. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. It does not refer to any particular occupation, but is used in general sense to denote all the labor which we may have to do; or is a direction to be faithful and industrious in the discharge of all our appropriate duties; compare Ecclesiastes 9:10. Romans 12:1–8. (4) and it takes away the mind from those pleasures and pursuits which generate and promote indolence. Render, as Rev., in diligence; see on Romans 12:8. The believer’s zeal should not wane. In The Zondervan Study Guide Commentary, Romans, Bruce Corley and Curtis Vaughan make this observation: "Exaggerated thinking. Serving the Lord. By the mercies of God reminds us that we do this because of the mercy shown to us by God (described well in Romans 1-11), and that we are only able to offer ourselves to God as He works His mercy in us. 15. (Romans 12 - Vincent's Word Studies) One another (240) (allelon) means each other and speaks of a mutuality or sharing of sentiments between two persons or groups of persons. Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord. Wrong. . Fervent in spirit. Paul's list … Just as Paul cannot help breaking out in poetic tribute to love in his famous love chapter, 1 Corinthians 13, after beginning the subject of spiritual gifts in 1 Corinthians 12, so also he does the same in Romans 12. In Spirit - In your mind or heart. Romans 12:12. Fervent in spirit - Τῳ πνευματι ζεοντες· Do nothing at any time but what is to the glory of God, and do every thing as unto him; and in every thing let your hearts be engaged. The central thought of this verse is “serve the Lord.” The first two clauses show how we are to serve the Lord. —Rather, in zeal;the reference is to the spiritual and not to the practical life, as the English reader might suppose. Romans 12:11 - not lagging behind in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord; - Verse-by-Verse Commentary Romans 12:11 REV and Commentary - As to diligence—not procrastinating. Fervent - This word is usually applied to water, or to metals so heated as to bubble, or boil. Fervent in spirit; Burn. Every Christian has enough to do to occupy all his time; and he whose life is spent in ease and in doing nothing, should doubt altogether his religion. Whatever we find to do is to be done with our might, but above all, the service of Christ. An idle, slothful person can never be a … Not slothful in business; A lazy man is no beauty anywhere. Καιρῳ, the time, is not found in the two original editions; that of Complutum, in 1514, which is the first edition of the Greek Testament ever printed; and that of Erasmus, in 1516, which is the first edition published; the former having been suppressed for several years after it was finished at the press. The idea is, Give all diligence. That begins with using our spiritual gifts to serve each other in the church. Zeal and fervency are not an end in themselves; they have a goal to serve the Lord to whom we owe so much. 12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Luther, "in regard to zeal be not lazy.". Your email address will not be published. Grant's Verse-by-Verse Logos Bible Software. The phrase “serve the Lord” refers to thoroughgoing devotion to the Lord Jesus. Very rightly does the apostle premise fervency in spirit to serving the Lord; for without the Spirit of God there is no true worshipping and serving of him, and which ought to be done with fervency as well as with constancy. He has made industry essential to happiness and success; and hence, to be industrious from proper motives is to be regarded as acceptable service of God. A disciple of the wise men among the Jews is (n) said to be "fervent", because the law is as a boiling pot unto him; much more should a disciple of Christ be fervent, who has the Gospel of Christ, the love of God, and the grace of the Spirit to inflame his soul with true zeal and fervour. There is nothing half-hearted in this service. The standard is that we should put our whole heart and soul into serving the sovereign Son of God. Romans 12:11c: “serving the Lord.” These three simple words are packed with some important practical truths. After discussing how God has gifted various church members with faith appropriate for different roles … Continue reading "Commentary on Romans 12:9-21" Whatever we find to do is to be done with our might, but above all, the service of Christ. Serving the Lord; Rejoicing in hope; When you have not anything else to rejoice in, rejoice in hope. It properly denotes haste, intensity, ardor of mind; and hence, also it denotes industry, labor. Romans 11:13 Now if their transgression is riches for the world and their failure is riches for the Gentiles, how much more will their fulfillment be! Find Top Church Sermons, Illustrations, and Preaching Slides on Romans 12:11. This characterization is helpful. Romans 12:1-2 “I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies … And be as passionate as a poet—or a lover. serving the Lord—that is, the Lord Jesus (see Eph 6:5-8). Though hampered by lack of any outline to relate things, the work has much gold if one has time and is willing to read voluminously to dig out the many nuggets. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. work (668 pp. The believer’s zeal should not wane. But as manuscript authority is decidedly against it, so is internal evidence; and comparatively few favor it. One of the most valuable skills we can develop is the skill to evaluate our gifts honestly. 11 Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord. In order to this there must be simplicity in the Intention, and purity in the Affections. Then concerning our duties to others, to the saints, Romans 12:13, to persecutors, Romans 12:14, to friends, strangers, enemies, Romans 12:15, etc.— χαίροντες, rejoicing) True joy is not only an emotion of the mind and a benefit [privilege], but also a Christian duty, Romans 12:15. As to spirit—intensely eager. Be as pragmatic as a businessman. Of particular note is Romans 12:16–18, where Paul encourages the Romans to “live in harmony with one another.” He has arranged the order of things in this life to promote employment. Paul's list … That is what Romans 12:11 means: “Do not be slothful in zeal.” So when you put the first two parts of verse 11 together they say something like: Do lot’s of work for Christ passionately. The direction means that we should be diligently occupied in our proper employment. J.B. Phillips has an outstanding and memorable translation of Romans 12:1-2: With eyes wide open to the mercies of God, I beg you, my brothers, as an act of intelligent worship, to give Him your bodies, as a living sacrifice, consecrated to Him and acceptable by Him. Except the Codes Claromontanus, the Codex Augiensis, and the Codex Boernerianus, the first a MS. of the seventh or eighth century, the others of the ninth or tenth, marked in Griesbach by the letters DFG, all the other MSS. All the saints make up one body in Christ, who is the Head of the body, and the common Centre of their unity. There are periods of discouragement in ministry. Romans 12 – Living the Christian Life A. 12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. That begins with using our spiritual gifts to serve each other in the church. Romans 12:13. . Adango Hart on Romans 12:11 Dearly beloved, we all have work to do never be lazy indolent slothful luke warm about it. Fervent in spirit. through Romans 16:27, then several appendices on subjects relating to Romans. Serving the Lord; some copies read, "serving time": the likeness of the words, and especially in an abbreviation, may have occasioned this different reading; which should it be followed, is not to be understood in an ill sense, of temporizing, or time serving, of men's accommodating themselves, their sentiments and conduct, according to the times in which they live, in order to escape reproach and persecution; but of redeeming the time, improving every season to do good, and taking every opportunity of serving God. Dynamic Christianity has burning passion about it. I consider myself to be a slave of *Christ Jesus. the word Κυριῳ is written contractedly, ΚΩ, some appear to have read it καιρῳ instead of Κυριῳ; but I confess I do not see sufficient reason after all that the critics have said, to depart from the common reading. Doing so will help us better manage our time so that we will volunteer and work in those areas where we will do the most good instead of just signing up for anything that comes our way. Romans 12 10 Brothers , 1 my heart’s desire and prayer to God for them is that they may be saved . Service is putting ourselves at the disposal of the Lord. Zealous, enthusiastic, not indifferent. Taanith, fol. 1. | Powered by WordPress. This verse, like 11:13-24, may reflect Nor is the sense which it yields a very Christian one. But as the reading our version follows is confirmed by authentic copies, and by the Syriac, and other Oriental versions, it is best to adhere to it: by "the Lord" is here meant either God, Father, Son, and Spirit, who are the alone object of divine service and religious worship; or the Lord Jesus Christ, who most frequently goes by the name of Lord in the New Testament; and who is the one Lord, whose we are and whom we should continually serve, being under the greatest obligations to him, not only as our Creator, but as our head, husband, and Redeemer. It is proper to recall their attention to him. Work for Christ with feeling. All that would be needful to transform the idle, and vicious, and wretched, into sober and useful people, would be to give to them the spirit of the Christian religion; see the example of Paul, Acts 20:34-35. It … 4. Commentary on Romans 12:3-8 (Read Romans 12:3-8) Pride is a sin in us by nature; we need to be cautioned and armed against it. Instead of τῳ Κυριῳ δουλευοντες, serving the Lord, several MSS., as DFG, and many editions, have τῳ καιρῳ δουλευοντες, serving the time - embracing the opportunity. 12:11 Not slothful in business. (r) This verse is well put, for it makes a distinction between Christian duties, and philosophical duties. 13 Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality. 2 For I bear them witness that b they have a zeal for God , c but not according to knowledge . The word “zeal” means diligence. 10 Be devoted to one another in love. As in the ancient MSS. The expression is used to denote a mind filled with intense ardor in whatever it is engaged. Love in Action. Many believers are indolent about serving Him. It is supposed that Christians would first find appropriate objects for their labor, and then engage in them with intense ardor and zeal. Your email address will not be published. God has assigned us much to accomplish; and he will hold us answerable for the faithful performance of it; compare John 5:17; John 9:4; 1 Thessalonians 4:11; 2 Thessalonians 3:10, 2 Thessalonians 3:12. The tendency of the Christian religion is to promote industry: (2) presents numerous and important things to be done. Christian service is exciting, not because it is a self-induced emotion, but because of the truth that is at its basis. 12 Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. Serving - Regarding yourselves as the servants of the Lord. Serving the Lord - Ever considering that his eye is upon you, and that you are accountable to him for all that you do, and that you should do every thing so as to please him. Romans 12:11. 11 Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. This is a continuation from last week as Paul calls Christians to work out their faith in light of Christ’s great work for them! It takes great energy and effort to serve the Lord. Feel lots in doing. Greeting 1:1-7. v1 From Paul. … In v. 3 there is a fourfold play on the word "think." The rest of Romans 12:9–13 elaborates on genuine love, in­cluding honor, patience in suffering, perseverance in prayer, generosity to those in need, and hospitality to everyone. “Fervent” means to boil. .proper thinking. In Romans 12, Paul describes the worship of our God as becoming living sacrifices to our God, giving up seeking what we want from life and learning to know and serve what God wants. (2) people are prone to forget God when deeply engaged in their worldly employments. Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord; Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit. 13 Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. As to the L - Bible verse The Christian should not flag in his service to the Lord. by Grant | Jan 26, 2014 | Romans | 0 comments. of this epistle have Κυριῳ, the Lord; a reading in which all the versions concur. . A Christian touched by the Spirit cannot be anything but excited about serving the Lord. Commentary on Romans Rosscup : This is a much-respected 746-pp. Some texts read καιρῷ the time or opportunity, but the best authorities give Lord. Browse Sermons on Romans 12:11. In Romans 12, Paul describes the worship of our God as becoming living sacrifices to our God, giving up seeking what we want from life and learning to know and serve what God wants. Church ministry should never be slipshod. He is the inspiring motive for service. Read Introduction to Romans 11 Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord.. ... Romans 12:11. Distributing to the necessity of saints Or "communicating", as many versions render the word; "distributing" more properly belongs to the officers of the church, the deacons, and communicating to the members of it in common. The central thought of this verse is “serve the Lord.” The first two clauses show how we are to serve the Lord. This is not emotionalism but burning conviction about something. (3) it inclines people to be conscientious in the improvement of each moment. (n) T. Bab. It hence is used to denote ardor, intensity, or as we express it, a glow, meaning intense zeal, Acts 18:25. Let your very soul get hot. Be always in earnest, and let your heart ever accompany your hand. In diligence, not slothful (Revised Version). In the spiritual body, some are fitted for and called to one sort of work; others for another sort of work. Acts 20: 19 serving the Lord with all humility, with many tears and trials which happened to me by the plotting of the Jews; Lethargy brings debilitating results to the Christian mission. Romans 12:11. The meaning of the whole verse is, that Christians should be industrious, should be ardently engaged in some lawful employment, and that they should pursue it with reference to the will of God, in obedience to his commands, and to his glory. Romans 12:9-13. This reading Griesbach has received into the text, and most critics contend for its authenticity. The foundation for Christian living. .purposeful thinking. There is no drudgery in this. Fervent in spirit; in their own spirits, for the glory of God, the honour of Christ, and the cause of religion, in imitation of Christ himself, and as Phinehas and Elijah were; which fervency of spirit is opposed to that lukewarmness of soul, Revelation 3:16, that coldness of affection, and leaving of the first love, Revelation 2:4, so much complained of, and resented by Christ in his people: or else in the Spirit of God; for there may be fervency in men's spirits, which comes not from the Spirit of God, as in the Jews, and particularly Saul, before his conversion, who had "a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge", Romans 10:2; but when "the love of God is shed abroad in the heart" by the Spirit of God, Romans 5:5, this will make a man's spirit fervent in the service of God, for which the apostle would have these believers concerned. 3 For , being ignorant of d the righteousness of God , and seeking to establish their own , they did not submit to God’s righteousness . Commentary on Romans 12:9-21 View Bible Text . Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Romans 12:11-12. Zealous, enthusiastic, not indifferent. .sober thinking" (p. 138). Living Sacrifice – Romans 12:1. “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye … In business - τῇ σπουδῇ tē spoudē. Allelon is a reciprocal pronoun which denotes that the encouragement and edification is to be a … Clarke's Commentary on the Bible Not slothful in business - That God, who forbade working on the seventh day, has, by the same authority, enjoined it on the other six days. Christian service should be one of enthusiasm and diligence. True service should never come from a cold heart but from a passionate heart that loves the Lord. They were to be diligent and fervid, and in doing so were to regard themselves as serving the Lord, or to do it in obedience to the command of God, and to promote his glory. God has given each of us the ability to do certain things well therefore with all rejoicing, zealously enthusiastically use these abilities to serve the LORD. Serving the Lord. Another reading—"serving the time," or "the occasion"—which differs in form but very slightly from the received reading, has been adopted by good critics [Luther, Olshausen, Fritzsche, Meyer]. Romans 12:11: Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. He who neglects to labor during the week is as culpable as he is who works on the Sabbath. Required fields are marked *, Notify me of followup comments via e-mail, Designed by Elegant Themes Romans 12:11-13 New International Version (NIV) 11 Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. The community is also urged to take their lives and ministry seriously, with deep commitment. 11 Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit,serve the Lord. An idle man and a Christian are names which do not harmonize. This direction is to be understood as connected with the preceding, and as growing out of it. 9 Love must be sincere. Other Forerunner Commentary entries containing Romans 12:11: Ecclesiastes 7:15-18 Romans 12:10 : Romans 12:12 >> The Berean: Daily Verse and Comment Sign up for the Berean: Daily Verse and Comment, and have Biblical truth delivered to your inbox. (1) the tendency of worldly employments is to take off the affections from God. The Lord Jesus was constantly employed in filling up the great duties of his life, and the effect of his religion has been to promote industry wherever it has spread both among nations and individuals. Introduction 1:1-17. 11 Do not be slothful in zeal, . The propriety of this caution may easily be seen. Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers (11) Inbusiness. (m) Pirke Abot, c. 2. sect. This is the same word which in Romans 12:8 is rendered "diligence." 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